Chefs Stew: Exploring all the Ingredients

Welcome to my fine restaurant! The finest in the world. With the best chef in the world, me. I use the worlds best crockpot, my belly. A stew has been simmering specially for you. I have put many wonderful ingredients in this stew, which you will soon discover. I am boasting about how great a chef I am and how amazing this meal is going to be. This is truly high class fine dining at its best! I wait until the perfect minute of release. Then I go on hands and knees to serve your first course. A semi-soft shitty stew comes out with many bits of undigested food. It smells strong and part of it has blasted out of my ass over the container onto the expensive wooden floor. The Best Chef in the World doesnt make mistakes! This was totally intentional! Brings in the fine wooden aromas. Then we admire this amazing meal together, digging through it with your cutlery exposing all the bits of undigested food. The squishy soft smeary wet shit sounds are very ASMR-approved. So much different kinds of foods we recognize in there, its truly amazing! Then when youve finished it all its time for the second course. A smaller portion but dont be fooled, its very dense. On hands and knees I slide your meal out of my butthole. We dig through this one together too, its so full of bits and pieces of food. The texture is truly exquisite. I expect you again very soon in my top tier restaurant.

Chefs Stew: Exploring all the Ingredients

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